RoadWatch: Roundup
October 2022
Welcome to our monthly Austroads RoadWatch: Roundup for October. Discover our latest news, published reports, Guide updates, webinars and events.
Austroads releases new guidelines for low and zero emission vehicle charging
Austroads has published the first of their kind in Australasia guidelines designed for use by local government and transport agency staff planning infrastructure to support the use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles.
“We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of electric and hybrid vehicles on our roads. If we can get ahead of the demand for readily available charging infrastructure, we can support a more seamless transition for users,” noted Vibeke Matthews, Austroads Future Vehicles and Technology Program Manager.
The Low and Zero Emission Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Installation guidelines detail lifecycle considerations such as site selection and planning, access, energy supply, design, operations, maintenance, decommissioning sites and the potential for further technological developments in the field. Use cases for both rural and urban contexts are provided.
Read more | Download the report
Thursday 3 November 2022, 1-2 pm AEDT
Join us for a webinar to gain a deeper understanding of the application of the guidelines.
New structural steelwork technical specifications released

Austroads has published a new technical specification outlining requirements for the use of structural steelwork in constructing bridges and gantries.
“With the addition of this Austroads Technical Specification, we anticipate that there will be a more consistent approach in the fabrication and erection of structural steelwork nationally,” said Ross Guppy, Transport Infrastructure Program Manager.
The specification details requirements for design, materials, preparation and assembly, welding and mechanical fastening, surface treatment, erection, and inspection. It also includes provisions for the modification and repair of existing structures.
Read more | Download the specification
National Access Framework for Heavy Vehicles open for consultation
Austroads is seeking views on the proposed National Access Framework for Heavy Vehicles (NAFHV).

The NAFHV is intended to help road managers optimise access for higher productivity vehicles and improve road safety while also reducing emissions and infrastructure wear.
The NAFHV proposes six shared principles which would be adopted by road managers across Australia. A national Access Working Group will support the implementation of the NAFHV and the delivery of a targeted national Access Work Program based on those shared principles.
All road managers, road asset decision makers and the heavy vehicle industry are encouraged to participate. Consultation closes on Friday 18 November 2022. For more information visit the Austroads website.
Complete the survey

Wednesday 19 October 2022, 1-1.30 pm AEDT
Join a webinar to hear about the elements of the framework and how they will potentially benefit state and local road managers and industry.
Temporary traffic management: low-volume, low-speed roads

Austroads is developing easy ways to safely apply temporary traffic management in low-speed, low-volume road environments. This survey seeks feedback on the types of temporary traffic management arrangements undertaken on urban residential roads with a permanent speed limit of 50km/h and low traffic volumes.
We want to hear from individuals and organisations involved with planning, designing or managing works on or next to roadways, particularly those working for small local councils and private operators performing low-impact works.
Responses are anonymous. Your input and views are important, and all feedback will be considered. Survey closes Monday 31 October 2022.
Complete the survey
Liz de Rome was recognised at 2022 ARSC Women in Road Safety Award

Austroads presented the 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference’s Women in Road Safety Award to Dr Liz de Rome for her outstanding contribution to road safety research.
Dr Liz de Rome has focussed on advancing safety for motorcycle riders including the development of the very first Motorcycle Safety Strategy in New South Wales and conducting research into the quality of protective clothing to reduce injuries for motorcyclists.
“It was our honour and pleasure to present this year’s award to Dr Liz de Rome. Liz has many years working to improve road safety. She is an utterly deserving winner of this inaugural award,” said Austroads’ Chief Executive Geoff Allan presenting the award at the conference in New Zealand.
Photo (left to right): Dr Liz de Rome, Hon Michael Wood, New Zealand Minister of Transport, Austroads’ CEO Geoff Allan.
WOMENG program website launched

WOMENG’s website is up and running! WOMENG (Advancing Women in Infrastructure Engineering) is a Victoria-based multi-sponsored project specifically designed to enhance career pathways for women in a sector where the female workforce is extremely under-represented.
WOMENG aims to target our support to two audiences in the state of Victoria: the future of infrastructure engineering through the Youth Program, and the career women currently contributing to the industry.
Browse the website to find out more about the project’s streams, events and opportunities.
Movement and Place Community of Practice: Creating Healthy Neighbourhoods event

NSW Department of Planning and Environment will run a health-themed Movement and Place Community of Practice hybrid event for practitioners across all levels of government and industry who plan, design, deliver and manage our public space and movement systems.
The event will take place on Wednesday 23 November 2022 from 9.30 to 11.30. It will feature a special guest speaker, Lucy Saunders founder of Healthy Streets and a line-up of speakers from local councils, government agencies and local health districts presenting on ways to improve health outcomes in built environments.
Find out more and register
Climate change, resilience and disaster management for roads international seminar

The World Road Association (PIARC) together with the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and the Indonesian Road Development Association will host an international seminar on climate change, resilience and disaster management for roads.
The seminar will be held on 22 and 23 November 2022 at Yogyakarta Marriott Hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Participants can attend in person (150 euro) or online (100 euro). For more information and to register, please contact the seminar organisers at or call +62 812 13686882.
Upcoming Austroads webinars

There is no charge for our webinars, but registration is essential. If you can’t make the live session, register and we will send you a link to the recording.
National Access Framework for Heavy Vehicles | Register
Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 1 pm AEDT
Tune in to hear about the proposed National Access Framework for Heavy Vehicles. The framework is intended to help road managers optimise access for higher productivity vehicles and improve road safety while also reducing emissions and infrastructure wear.
Implementing the Austroads Road Asset Data Standard | Register
Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 1 pm AEDT
Join this webinar for an overview of the Austroads Road Asset Data Standard. The session will launch the initial functionality of the platform and provide an overview of how road managers can utilise the platform features to gain value and insights.
Guidance on the Installation of Low and Zero Emission Vehicles Charging Infrastructure | Register
Thursday, 3 November 2022, 1 pm AEDT
This webinar will present new Austroads guidance on managing the life cycle of charging infrastructure, including planning, design, operations, interoperability, maintenance, and decommissioning.
NSW Movement and Place Framework | Register
Friday, 11 November 2022, 1 pm AEDT
Join for an overview of the whole-of-government NSW Movement and Place Framework and how it supports Austroads guidance, Australian Standards and the Global Street Design Guidelines as they apply in different contexts across NSW.
Best Practice in Smart Motorways Operations | Register
Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 1 pm AEDT
In this session participants will hear about the future trends, research findings and agency guidance on best practice in smart motorways operations. It will offer advice on how to support improving smart motorway capabilities using a Smart Motorway Classification Model and Capability Framework.
Use of Road-grade Recycled Plastics for Sustainable Asphalt Pavements Part 3: Performance Outcomes Part B and Future Recyclability | Register
Tuesday, 29 November 2022, 1 pm AEDT
In this session you will learn about the mixed methods performance and environmental assessment of recycled plastics used in asphalt roads. The session will expand on the recyclability of reclaimed plastic-modified asphalt.
Review of Impact of Service Authorities on Infrastructure Projects | Register
Thursday, 1 December 2022, 1 pm AEDT
In this session you will gain an understanding of the research findings and where change is required to improve the efficient delivery of major infrastructure projects when third-party assets are involved.
Recent webinar recordings
Multimodal Incident Management
View past webinars
Austroads tenders and project opportunities
CAV6376 Guidance for developing standardised transport data exchange for Australia and New Zealand. Closing on Thursday 27 October 2022.
CAV6374 Digital twins to support connected and automated vehicles. Closing on Wednesday 9 November 2022.
Find out more.
BITRE research
BITRE’s monthly bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction.
You can also view monthly updated road safety statistics and an Australian Road Deaths Database.
Upcoming industry events
Event organisers are carefully reviewing their arrangements to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please be aware that details may change at short notice.
Austroads Bridge Conference 2022, Adelaide, 15-18 November 2022
IPWEA NSW & ACT State Conference, Sydney, 15-16 March 2023
Brisbane Truck Show, Brisbane, 18-21 May 2023
IPWEA International Asset Management Congress, Gold Coast, 14-15 June 2023
ITS Australia Global Summit 2023, Melbourne, 28-31 August 2023
XXVIIth World Road Congress, Prague, 2-6 October 2023
9th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion (ICWIM9) and 17th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport and Technology joint international conference, Brisbane, 6-10 November 2023