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QLD Changes to TMRS Application Form – display of company identification on vehicles and signage and clarification of renewal submission timeframes

28 Jul 2023 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

QLD update - Changes to Traffic Management Registration Scheme Application Form – display of company identification on vehicles and signage and clarification of renewal submission timeframes 

Clarification of expectations to display identification on traffic control vehicles and on temporary traffic management signs

Under the Traffic Management Registration Scheme (TMRS), all registered traffic management companies are expected to maintain a professional image, take responsibility for their services, be accountable for their signage, and proactively respond to complaints about their operations.

In 2022, concerns were raised with TMR about a proliferation of unmarked traffic control vehicles and traffic control signs, that were commonly being left out after roadworks had ended. 

TMR was asked to clarify the requirement that traffic control company identification be displayed on the sides of traffic control vehicles and on the back of temporary traffic management signs. It was suggested that signage on the sides of vehicles should be large enough to be clearly visible to passing motorists.

In October and November 2022, state-wide industry consultation occurred with traffic control companies to gauge the level of support and the practical impacts of the proposal. The industry response was positive, with widespread support amongst registered traffic control companies.

It was broadly agreed that clarification about scheme expectations be communicated to all registered traffic control companies and be clearly articulated on the TMRS Application Form.

Accordingly, from 31 July 2023, Section 4 of the TMRS Application Form will include the following information about these expectations:

Traffic management companies must take responsibility for their traffic control operations and signage at roadwork sites. It is a scheme expectation that:

  • The name or logo of the registered traffic management company will be clearly displayed on both sides of vehicles that perform 'traffic control services' (including hired vehicles), so that road users can identify the organisation that is performing traffic management work. [Note – this expectation is not applicable to government entities who undertake traffic management work].
  • All temporary traffic management signage owned by the registered traffic management company will have the registered traffic management company’s name or logo clearly printed on the rear of the signs. 
  • Where temporary traffic management signage is hired by a registered traffic management company, the signs will have either the registered traffic management company's name or logo, or alternatively, the hire company's name or logo, clearly printed on the rear of the signs.

Clarification of submission timeframes for TMRS Renewal

TMR has also taken this opportunity to clarify timeframes for the submission of the TMRS Application Form for companies wishing to renew their registration.

A note has been added to the top of the TMRS Application Form to clarify that all renewal applications must be submitted to TMR with sufficient processing lead times in advance of the company registration expiration.

Companies should consider the complexity of their applications and ensure that they are submitted to TMR in a suitable timeframe to allow time to review and process the Application Form and supporting documents in advance of the expiry date. This will provide traffic control companies with registration continuity, which will minimise disruption to undertaking traffic management duties.

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