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  • 12 Feb 2025 11:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    E2024/212 - Stage 1 - TMAA Election Notice and Nomination Form

    Dear Members

    The Election Notice and Nomination Form for the TMAA Management Committee election (Traffic Management Association of Australia, Scheduled Election E2024/212 - Stage 1a) are available for members to see and download.

    Election Notice
    Nomination Form

    Kind regards


  • 24 Jan 2025 11:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Fatal collision in Nhill (Victoria)

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is deeply saddened and frustrated to learn of the tragic death of a road worker performing traffic control duties on the Western Highway near Nhill on 23 January 2025.

    We express our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of the road worker who lost their life in this devastating incident. We urge all motorists to take responsibility and slow down when driving near road works. The safety of workers, motorists, and everyone sharing the road must always come first.

    We also encourage anyone who witnessed the crash or who may have passed through the area with dashcam footage to assist authorities by contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submitting a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

    More information: https://www.police.vic.gov.au/fatal-collision-nhill

  • 4 Nov 2024 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is pleased to see our persistent advocacy for the safety of traffic controllers resonating with the Victorian government, which has now launched the impactful "We're People Too" awareness campaign. This initiative serves as a vital reminder for drivers to slow down, exercise patience, and show respect for those who work tirelessly to maintain our roads.

    Our research has shown the troubling reality of physical and verbal aggression faced by roadworkers, highlighting an urgent need for increased awareness. This campaign will amplify these concerns by sharing the stories of Victorian roadworkers, reinforcing that these workers are, above all, people with families and lives beyond the work zone.

    Thank you, Victoria, for taking this step to ensure every roadworker can feel safer at work. Let’s continue working towards a culture where everyone makes it home safely at the end of the day.

    Read the media release here.

  • 12 Jul 2024 12:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    The Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics has launched a new subscription option for Industry to receive updates regarding Temporary Traffic Management in the Northern Territory. 


    You have received this initial email as a stakeholder. If you would like to continue to receive updates, you must subscribe by visiting NT Temporary Traffic Management Updates Subscription (office.com).


    Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management

    The Northern Territory’s transition to the Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management commenced in February.  The NT transition period is from February 2024 to February 2027.


    The new training structure and licencing requirements are tailored to the 3 roles available (TMI, TC & TMD) and the 2 road categories in the NT.  Workers will need to hold the appropriate role for the work they are doing, and the level required is determined by the road category they are working on, as shown in the table below.


    Traffic Management Designer Training Updates

    The first provider has been approved to deliver Traffic Management Designer training in the Northern Territory and is currently working to schedule courses.  You can find the list of approved training providers below or on our website Temporary traffic management approved training providers | NT.GOV.AU


    DIPL is currently working with Austroads to clarify the entry requirements for existing WZ1 holders into the new Traffic Management Designer qualification. While this is finalised and acknowledging the limited availability of training, the department will be offering extensions to existing WZ1 holders expiring in 2024.


    To apply for an extension, complete the attached WZ1 exemption form and submit to Roadsdarwin.NTG@nt.gov.au


    Short Term Low Impact (STLI) Training update

    Austroads are developing training frameworks for Short Term Low Impact (previously Volunteer and Occasional Users).  The framework is designed for those carrying out minor traffic management activities on the road network but it’s not part of their core business/work, for example grass slashing contractors who put out a “slashing/mowing ahead” sign on the road, or surveyors who may have information signs on the road, that do not impact traffic flow.


    These individuals would not be eligible to get the full TTM qualification because they only carry out basic traffic roles and responsibilities.


    We are working closely with Austroads and expect to see a new training module for the STLI work released in the next couple of months.  There is further information and examples of occasional users who may fit into this category on our website Temporary traffic management training and certification | NT.GOV.AU


    If you are an existing WZ qualified worker, believe you fall into this category, and will expire before the new training is available, you can apply for a 3 month extension using the attached WZ2/WZ3 application form.  Ensure you subscribe to our TTM updates list here NT Temporary Traffic Management Updates Subscription (office.com) to receive a notification when the new module is released.


    The draft for volunteer training will be finalised when the STLI training package has been completed as it will set the foundation of the volunteer training package.


    NT Approved Training Providers

    There are currently three approved training providers for the NT, contact the ATP’s directly for training availability.


    Name of training providers







    Civil Training (VIC) trading as
    CTA - Create Train Achieve

    RTO number: 45608
    1800 282 287 







    Workzone Training Pty Ltd
    RTO number: 45807
    1300 005 150







    Civil Contractors Federation (SA) trading as
    Civil Train
    RTO number: 45621
    08 8953 3515 







     Road Operations
    Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
    Northern Territory Government
    Level 2, Highway House, Palmerston
    PO Box 61, Palmerston, NT 0831

    +61 8 8999 4449

  • 5 Jul 2024 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Members

    The South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport has shared the attached documents for distribution to our Members.

    SA Safety Alert Traffic Management Protecting the worker.pdf

    SA Traffic Management poster 2.pdf

    Other Traffic Management resources are available here: https://www.dit.sa.gov.au/safety-in-construction/resources-for-contractors.

    Kind regards

  • 28 Jun 2024 10:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Victoria Traffic Management Reform program June 2024 newsletter

    Welcome to the final edition of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) Traffic Management Reform (TMR) program newsletter. 

    Thank you for your support of the TMR program

    From all of us at DTP, thank you for your support of the TMR program which concludes on Friday 28 June 2024. 

    Our purpose has been to provide the extra support needed to promote safety on the road network, reduce unnecessary congestion and delays around road worksites, and make it easier for the traffic management industry to do business with government. 

    Over the last two years, we’ve delivered a range of initiatives to create a more consistent and safety-focused approach for how traffic management activities are planned and delivered – from centralising the Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) permit process to developing and launching a Road Access Permits Portal (RAPP), updating the Code of Practice (CoP), introducing a new accreditation program, and delivering a road worker safety awareness and education campaign.  

    We’ve valued your ongoing input and engagement to help us transform the traffic management industry.

    Thank you.

    Final industry briefing session follow up questions

    Thank you to everyone who joined us for our final online briefing session on Friday 7 June 2024. We appreciated the discussions, questions and feedback.

    The presentation was emailed to all attendees following the session. If you did not receive the presentation and would like a copy, please email us at tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au by 12pm Friday 28 June 2024. 

    As promised, below are responses to some of the questions raised during the session:

    How will the national recognition work if one state, such as South Australia, is not participating?

    All participating jurisdictions recognise national qualifications. Interstate qualifications will be recognised if you:

    • have successfully completed the following units – RIIWHS302E – Implement Traffic Management Plans and RIIWHS205E – Control Traffic with Stop/Slow Bat
    • can provide evidence of completion (for example a Statement of Attainment)
    • have current work experience.

    If you do not meet all the criteria above, you will need to complete the full traffic management training (TTM) course.

    Before being issued with a Work Zone Traffic Management (WZTM) card, and have the ability to work in South Australia, you will be required to complete localised content training with an approved training provider.

    Can Accredited Training Providers (ATPs) sign up to deliver only the Short Term Low Impact (STLI) training module for occasional users and/or the Utilities specific packages? There are Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) that specialise in these areas and want to deliver them but not the broader Traffic Controller (TC), Traffic Management Implementer (TMI) and Traffic Management Design (TMD) modules.

    ATPs are the only providers permitted to deliver STLI and/or Utilities. To be an ATP, an RTO must have at least one trainer and one TTM program from the TC, TMI or TMD course offerings. RTOs who wish to deliver STLI and/or Utilities are advised to prepare an application to deliver TMI1.

    There is no obligation on the RTO to deliver the TTM program – only to qualify and register as an ATP in a TTM category to ensure understanding of the differences between their packages and the TMI content.

    There was an anecdote about the pre-requisites for TMD preventing progression due to six months of TMI experience – how are we going with modifying this requirement that TMI be a pre-requisite for TMD?

    The entry requirements for TMD1 are required from a regulatory perspective, which all ATPs must adhere to. Entry requirements can be found here

    Austroads is leading a national discussion to consider whether the current entry requirements for TDM1 need to be adjusted.

    Will the STLI training allow the use of a stop/slow bat? Industry reports that this is critical for the activity they perform like aiding trucks to back out of construction sites but currently explicitly not allowed as STLI under the AGTTM. Are they excluded from working while they are upgrading their training?

    Feedback for STLI has strongly requested use of Stop/Slow bat – this is being added to the training package but will also include caveats around usage – we are trying to avoid people completing STLI instead of TC or TMI training.  If required, the AGTTM will be updated to reflect this.

    DTP will continue to recognise training taken under the current model until the STLI package is sufficiently available in the market. From the date it is released the old qualifications will continue to be recognised until they expire or 3 years from the issue date (whichever is the earliest).

    Can Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in the TMD space be completed after their ticket has expired? Do they have to start at category 1 (CAT1)? If so, are there mandated waiting periods between the categories? 

    Yes, RPL focuses on currency and industry experience not their ticket expiry date. For example, someone may have a current ticket but not be able to demonstrate currency or experience.

    Yes, they have to start at CAT1 but they can wrap this in with a higher category. There are no mandated waiting periods – RPL allows for someone to gather evidence which meets the entry requirements.

    Update on New Surveillance Framework and end-to-end processes

    DTP is creating an Assurance and Enforcement Framework (the Framework) to incorporate the Surveillance Framework and end-to-end processes approach into one document and detail:

    • DTP’s enforcement principles 
    • The offences DTP will now be conducting assurance and enforcement activities for
    • The powers Traffic Assurance Authorised Officers will have and what evidence of noncompliance they may collect
    • The types of enforcement outcomes which may result in cases where noncompliance is established.

    The Framework will establish a fair and reasonable approach to compliance with traffic management laws and provide transparency for industry and stakeholders by being:

    • Publicly available, as is the case with other regulators’ enforcement frameworks
    • Clear and concise, using plain language to summarise key information
    • Places the industry “on notice” in cases where prosecution is pursued.

    The Framework is in the final stages of development and will be available on the Traffic Management Code of Practice and Surveillance Framework webpage once ready. 

    If you have any questions, please email TMAccreditation@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Instrument of delegation

    DTP has authorised an instrument of delegation under Regulation 18(1)(a) of the Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019. 

    This allows interested local councils to authorise Portable Traffic Control Devices (PTCD) with traffic signals and Temporary Works Speed Limit Signs (TWSLS) for non-road related works on their road network.

    The process will be:

    • A letter will be sent to local council CEOs in July 2024 providing details of the instrument of delegation and how local councils can adopt it.
    • Local councils will need to notify the Roadwork Permits team that they intend to utilise the delegation via RAPP.support@transport.vic.gov.au
    • DTP will publish a list of local councils authorising PTCDs with traffic signals and TWSLS as a reference guide for the traffic management industry. 
    • DTP will redirect any permit applications received for PTCDs with traffic signals and TWSLS for local councils who take up this delegation.

    If you have any questions, please email the Roadwork Permits team on RAPP.support@transport.vic.gov.au.

    Changes to TMD training

    The new TMD training will become mandatory on 10 July 2024. This follows the rollout of the new TC and TMI training – both of which became mandatory on 1 March 2024 – and will be in line with the introduction of the National Training Framework on 1 December 2023.

    When the TMD training becomes mandatory on 10 July 2024

    • New TMDs will need to undertake training under the new courses.  
    • Qualifications expiring from 10 July 2024 must be renewed under the new training courses. 
    • Current TMD qualifications will continue to be recognised by DTP until they expire or three years from date of issue (whichever is the earliest). 

    Additional information for RTOs 

    The new TMD training package was made available on 25 January 2024 for RTOs to deliver as an ATP. DTP has been advising the traffic management industry to upskill themselves in the design elements of the new Road Management Act (Code of Practice for Worksite Safety – Traffic Management) (CoP) as soon as they can (if they haven’t already). This is important because any documents that design traffic management set ups on roads managed by DTP must comply to the new CoP from 14 October 2024.  
    If you are interested in delivering the new TMD training or have any questions about the TMD training package, please contact Austroads on ttmtraining@austroads.com.au for more information. 

    Additional information for TMDs

    As part of the TMD training rollout, there is a change to compliance to the design elements of the Road Management Act (Code of Practice for Worksite Safety – Traffic Management) (CoP). 
    DTP paused enforcing compliance until the new TMD training was readily available and workers had the opportunity to receive formal training. With the TMD training mandatory from 10 July 2024, MoA permit applications and supporting documents submitted to DTP must now be designed to comply to the standards and requirements in the current CoP (such as Traffic Guidance Schemes) from 14 October 2024
    DTP is providing a three-month compliance transition period to give TMDs the opportunity to start designing to the new CoP as soon as possible. This will ensure TMDs are ready to comply to the new standards and obligations from 14 October 2024. Please contact an Approved Training Provider if updated TMD training is required to support this. 
    If you have any questions about the new TMD training, please contact Austroads on ttmtraining@austroads.com.au for more information. If you have any questions about the CoP, please contact the DTP Accreditation team on tmaccreditation@transport.vic.gov.au.  

    Want to feature in our new road worker safety campaign?

    We recently delivered the first phase of our road worker safety campaign and are currently developing a follow up campaign to help improve poor driver behaviour. We’re looking to do this by sharing stories of Victorian road workers, so we need your help to bring this campaign to life. 

    If you’re interested in being involved, please email tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au by COB Friday 28 June 2024 to be added to the stakeholder list. We’ll be in contact once production is ready to begin to share how you can be involved. This campaign is expected to be live later this year.

    How to keep in touch

    With the TMR program wrapping up on Friday 28 June 2024, the TMR inbox (tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au) will no longer be monitored from Monday 1 July 2024. 

    If you need support with the ongoing initiatives, please direct any email enquiries as follows:

  • 10 Jun 2024 6:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Exciting News for TMAA Members!

    Discover the all-new Mitsubishi Triton - Your Ultimate Driving Experience Awaits!

    For the entire month of June, Triton-driving members not only will buyers receive "National Fleet Pricing" with Mitsubishi's Diamond Advantage 10/10 program, those who seize the moment and place an order now for June delivery will be able to claim an EXTRA $1,000 bonus on the All New Triton.

     Key Features:

    ✅ 150kW power

    ✅ 470Nm torque at a lower rev range than ever before

    ✅ 3.5 tonne braked towing capacity

    ✅ 5 Star ANCAP Safety Rating

    ✅ Euro 6 emission standard

    ✅ Bigger Body, Tub, Cabin

    Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Upgrade to the ultimate driving experience today!

    *Terms and conditions apply.

    For more information, contact Nathan Finch at nfinch@mmal.com.au

  • 17 Apr 2024 7:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jon Whelan, Chief Executive of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport South Australia (left), Matthew Bereni, TMAA CEO (right).

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is pleased to announce that the Department for Infrastructure and Transport South Australia has joined TMAA as our newest Associate Group.

    "We are delivering a multi-billion dollar infrastructure investment program across our State and provide essential services for South Australians every day. Through this new partnership with TMAA, we will champion best practices in traffic management," said Jon Whelan, Chief Executive of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport South Australia. “Being an Associate Group with TMAA enables us to consistently exchange knowledge and influence the future of traffic management, all while prioritising road safety for everyone,” said Mr Whelan.

    TMAA CEO Matthew Bereni echoed this sentiment, stating, "We are pleased to announce the addition of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, South Australia to our team. As the government agency overseeing the planning, construction, maintenance and management of South Australia’s state road network, their extensive expertise and experience will greatly benefit our efforts to enhance road safety and traffic efficiency.”

    The TMAA looks forward to a strong partnership with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport South Australia in advocating for a safer and sustainable traffic management industry.

  • 4 Apr 2024 5:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We're excited to announce the winner of the 2023 National Indigenous Traffic Controller of the Year Excellence Award is Chez (Cheryl) Davis from First Nations Traffic Management!

    The Indigenous Traffic Controller of the Year Excellence Award, proudly sponsored by the Victoria State Government, Department of Transport and Planning, is an annual award recognising outstanding service and contribution from Indigenous traffic controllers across Australia.

    A huge congratulations to Chez on this amazing recognition! You're a true inspiration to all aspiring Indigenous traffic controllers.

  • 3 Apr 2024 2:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Temporary Traffic Management Industry:
    April 2024 update

    Transition arrangements reminder

    For compliance with the AGTTM, it is necessary for all personnel undergoing any elements of Temporary Traffic Management to renew their training according to the NTFTTM.

    To allow for a staggered transition to the NTFTTM, the department has provided transition period arrangements for individuals to update their qualification to the NTFTTM.

    Please ensure you review the transition arrangements in the
    Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads, and book a relevant course within your transition timeframe. Alternatively, if there aren’t appropriate dates/locations, please reach out to an ATP to register your interest.

    Don’t forget, existing traffic management professionals can complete the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

    Data collection of the Tasmanian Traffic Management workforce

    The Department of State Growth is initiating a data collection effort to better understand the status of the workforce. This information is beneficial for better informed decision-making as we adopt the National Training Framework for temporary traffic management.

    While participation in this data collection is entirely voluntary, we strongly encourage and appreciate your involvement.

    The more stakeholders that participate, the better informed we will be to make decisions that reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of the industry.

    The information you supply will be purely for data collection purposes. Personal or business information will not be shared publicly, it will be purely for numerical and data purposes.

    If you are happy to participate in this initiative, or have any questions or concerns, please contact
    ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au and a spreadsheet will be sent to you to provide the data.

    First review of the implementation of the Austroads National Training Framework

    The Department of State Growth has committed to reviewing and hearing feedback regarding the implementation of the NTFTTM.

    During April, a separate newsletter will be released with information relating to a survey that you can participate in to provide information and feedback on the implementation.

    If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the State Roads Work Health and Safety team at StateRoadsWHS@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

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