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  • 5 Sep 2023 1:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    TMAA and CCF Tasmania recently launched last week a new road safety awareness campaign in Tasmania focused on the message 'Your Speed is Our Safety'. The campaign kickoff event included an interview with Nicole Willing, TMAA's State Chair for Tasmania, on Channel 7 news.

    During the interview, Nicole highlighted the concerning number of near misses that occur daily on construction sites. "Every day on our worksites, we experience close calls and near misses between vehicles and our workers," Nicole said. "Speeding traffic poses a huge safety risk to our staff as they work to improve Tasmania's roads and infrastructure."

    The 'Your Speed is Our Safety' campaign aims to remind motorists to slow down in construction zones. By being more alert and reducing speed around worksites, drivers can help prevent accidents and injuries. Nicole emphasized that road safety is a shared responsibility: "We're urging all motorists to make worker safety their priority and slow down on the roads."

  • 9 Aug 2023 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    TMAA is excited to attend the Traffic And Road Management Action Conference in Wellington, New Zealand.  Congrats to our Kiwi colleagues Joseph Rosendaal and Paul Merson on a great turnout with over 200 attendees from New Zealand and abroad. It's fantastic to connect with traffic management professionals from our region to discuss the latest innovations and best practices in our field. A special shoutout to all TMAA members who made the trip over. We're looking forward to engaging with our members on the new ideas and knowledge gained at this inspiring event.

  • 9 Aug 2023 2:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It has been a busy few months. Transport for NSW teams have been developing updates to the Design of Roads and Streets manual which we will be seeking feedback on later this year. Read on to see how you can provide feedback on v0.1 of the manual, currently on our website.

    We have also been scheduling new dates and locations for the popular NSW Movement and Place Framework training course. Some of these training sessions will be in regional areas to provide this valuable training to practitioners outside the Sydney metro area. Check out the details below.

    The Design of Roads and Streets Manual feedback 

    The Design of Roads and Streets manual v0.1 is available on the Movement and Place website. We previously presented webinars introducing the new guidance to practitioners within local and state government agencies as well as peak industry bodies. This practical 'how to' manual has been adopted as a Transport for NSW standard. It aims to improve our design of roads and streets by filling a gap in guidance and supporting other more general design resources such as Austroads Guides, Australian Standards, and Global Street Design Guides.  

    Now, we would like to hear from you. What are your thoughts on the content? Do you have insights or examples to share? Please complete this short survey to help us improve this important design manual.  

    We are currently working toward v1 of the manual and will be seeking more feedback, so keep an eye out for webinars and workshops later in 2023 and 2024 with more opportunities to get involved. If you have questions, please get in touch with the team. 

    NSW Movement and Place Framework training course update 

    The popular NSW Movement and Place Framework training course facilitated by the University of Technology Sydney has announced new dates and locations. 

    The one-day workshop takes the theory of the framework presented in the eLearning modules and develops practical skills to apply the principles on a local street. The workshop is a great opportunity to collaborate and network with peers and colleagues across the industry. 

    Here are the upcoming dates and locations. Space is limited, so register today.

    10 August | Milsons Point
    24 August | Parkes 
    8 September | Sydney CBD
    21 September | Wagga Wagga
    5 October | Wollongong 
    26 October | Newcastle
    9 November | Milsons Point
    23 November | Parramatta
    7 December | Milsons Point



    Join us on LinkedIn

    The LinkedIn Discussion Group is for practitioners involved in the rollout of the NSW Movement and Place Framework. Share learnings, increase your knowledge, discuss new tools and material and connect with other practitioners throughout NSW.

    Join the conversation today! 

  • 4 Aug 2023 2:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Department of Transport and Planning
    Traffic Management Reform Program

    August 2023 Newsletter

    Welcome to our August newsletter for the Traffic Management Reform (TMR) program.

    The TMR program is transforming the traffic management industry by providing the extra support needed to promote safety on the road network and reduce unnecessary congestion and delays around worksites.

    This is our regular newsletter to keep the traffic management industry up-to-date with the progress and changes coming as part of the TMR program. Please share it with anyone else you think should know about this program and its upcoming changes. 
    Key updates:

    • New traffic management training – progress update
    • Accreditation program - reminder
    • MoA Charging starts in October
    • Key TMR program dates 
    • Get in touch  

    New traffic management training – progress update

    DTP is updating the current traffic management training model to align with the requirements in the new Code of Practice.

    At the moment, this work is focused on supporting Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) with becoming Approved Training Providers (ATP):

    • Train the trainer program
      New dates in September have been added to the Train the Trainer program. Please enrol by visiting the Austroads website or email ttmoperations@austroads.com.au for more information.
    • ATP process
      The finalised ATP process has been published on the VicRoads website, including the application form and a summary factsheet. If you have any questions, please email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.
    • RTO industry session
      The August industry briefing will be a Q&A session on the ATP application process. It will be held online on Wednesday 23 August from 10 to 11.30am. Please email tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au by Monday 21 August to RSVP and receive the meeting link.

    Please download the ATP application form ahead of the session and send in any specific questions by Monday 14 August so we can include information in the presentation.

    Accreditation program - reminder

    Reminder: if your company still needs to provide extra information to progress your Accreditation application, please send through any further required documentation as soon as you can.

    Please note our list of accredited companies is updated as applications are processed and publicly available.

    If you have any questions or need further information, please email TMAccreditation@roads.vic.gov.au.

    MoA Charging starts in October

    The new fee to process Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) permit applications starts in October 2023.

    The fee will be paid upfront when you submit your MoA permit applications in RAPP. The amount charged is based on three categories of disruptions and time needed to review the proposed traffic management activities and measures to maintain safety and reduce road congestion.

    Ahead of the introduction of MoA Charging, DTP created the Road Access Permits Portal (RAPP) to better support industry and make it easier to apply for MoA permits. We are also looking at other opportunities to improve permit review processes, including adding extra features to RAPP.

    For more information about MoA permits, including the fee amounts, visit the MoA permits webpage on the VicRoads website.

    Key TMR program dates


    • Wednesday 23 August: RTO industry briefing session

    Second half of 2023

    • National Training Framework and the Victoria specific training materials finalised
    • Train the trainer program and ATP application process opened
    • New CoP mandatory from 1 December 
    • New traffic management training is introduced and national ATP database and auditing process is established
    • Further information about new Surveillance Framework and end-to-end enforcement processes released
    • MoA Charging starts

    2023 to 2026

    • Training transition period (new training will need to be taken as current qualifications expire)

      Get in touch

    Please email us at tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au if you have any questions or need further information on the TMR program.

    Victoria State Government - Department of Transport and Planning

  • 28 Jul 2023 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    QLD update - Changes to Traffic Management Registration Scheme Application Form – display of company identification on vehicles and signage and clarification of renewal submission timeframes 

    Clarification of expectations to display identification on traffic control vehicles and on temporary traffic management signs

    Under the Traffic Management Registration Scheme (TMRS), all registered traffic management companies are expected to maintain a professional image, take responsibility for their services, be accountable for their signage, and proactively respond to complaints about their operations.

    In 2022, concerns were raised with TMR about a proliferation of unmarked traffic control vehicles and traffic control signs, that were commonly being left out after roadworks had ended. 

    TMR was asked to clarify the requirement that traffic control company identification be displayed on the sides of traffic control vehicles and on the back of temporary traffic management signs. It was suggested that signage on the sides of vehicles should be large enough to be clearly visible to passing motorists.

    In October and November 2022, state-wide industry consultation occurred with traffic control companies to gauge the level of support and the practical impacts of the proposal. The industry response was positive, with widespread support amongst registered traffic control companies.

    It was broadly agreed that clarification about scheme expectations be communicated to all registered traffic control companies and be clearly articulated on the TMRS Application Form.

    Accordingly, from 31 July 2023, Section 4 of the TMRS Application Form will include the following information about these expectations:

    Traffic management companies must take responsibility for their traffic control operations and signage at roadwork sites. It is a scheme expectation that:

    • The name or logo of the registered traffic management company will be clearly displayed on both sides of vehicles that perform 'traffic control services' (including hired vehicles), so that road users can identify the organisation that is performing traffic management work. [Note – this expectation is not applicable to government entities who undertake traffic management work].
    • All temporary traffic management signage owned by the registered traffic management company will have the registered traffic management company’s name or logo clearly printed on the rear of the signs. 
    • Where temporary traffic management signage is hired by a registered traffic management company, the signs will have either the registered traffic management company's name or logo, or alternatively, the hire company's name or logo, clearly printed on the rear of the signs.

    Clarification of submission timeframes for TMRS Renewal

    TMR has also taken this opportunity to clarify timeframes for the submission of the TMRS Application Form for companies wishing to renew their registration.

    A note has been added to the top of the TMRS Application Form to clarify that all renewal applications must be submitted to TMR with sufficient processing lead times in advance of the company registration expiration.

    Companies should consider the complexity of their applications and ensure that they are submitted to TMR in a suitable timeframe to allow time to review and process the Application Form and supporting documents in advance of the expiry date. This will provide traffic control companies with registration continuity, which will minimise disruption to undertaking traffic management duties.

  • 19 Jul 2023 2:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    During a recent State division meeting in Sydney, the TMAA team had the pleasure of visiting D&D Group - Traffic Management. We were warmly received by Tynan Diaz, TMAA's NSW Board Member and NSW Vice Chair, who also serves as D&D's COO, along with Nathan Mitchell , General Manager at D&D Group. They provided us with a tour of their Girraween site.

    We would like to thank Tynan and Nathan for hosting us, and the entire D&D team for their hospitality. We look forward to our continued partnership with D&D in the years to come.

  • 23 Jun 2023 2:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to those who attended our meeting, we really appreciate hearing your feedback and insights!

    We are open to any other feedback about the topic or suggestions of what else we can research. If you have any existing research materials that you think would be beneficial, feel free to send them through.

    As mentioned in the presentation, we will keep you updated on our campaign progress on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

    Here is the recording of our presentation for those who were unable to attend:


    The presentation PDF is attached, or can be downloaded here: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/DD7BLDgUaGLYUJDeVDNjmsRv

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