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  • 28 Mar 2024 3:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Members, 

    We would like to inform you that a copy of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Post-election report regarding the Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) Scheduled Election E2023/9 Direct and Collegiate Election is now available in the 'Members Area' \ Governance section of our website.

    Alternatively, you can request a copy of the Post-election report from TMAA via email at tmaa@tmaa.asn.au or directly from the AEC.

    A copy of TMAA's response to the AEC Post-election report is also available in the same section of our website.

    Kind regards

  • 26 Mar 2024 11:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Traffic & Access Solutions joins TMAA as a National Supplier

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is pleased to introduce Traffic & Access Solutions (TAS) as its new national supplier. TAS, an Australian-owned company, specialises in innovative ideas to enhance the safety and efficiency of managing the integration of people and vehicles.

    Incorporated in 2015, TAS sought to improve the safety of Temporary Traffic Management. TAS were pioneers in introducing such an innovative system of work that has revolutionized the behavior and regulations of temporary traffic control across Australia and New Zealand. Their flagship product, PORTABOOM®, is a portable boom gate specifically designed for all temporary traffic control, access control, and event management scenarios. This innovative solution mitigates the risk faced by traffic management personnel by eliminating the need for their physical presence on the road, thereby enhancing safety and efficiency.

    Rob Cazzolli, TAS's Non-Executive Director, emphasized the company's commitment to safety, stating, "Initiated primarily as a Portable Traffic Control Device due to too many Traffic Controllers being killed or seriously injured through vehicle collisions whilst working on Australian roadwork sites, Traffic & Access Solutions holds the belief that the key to eliminating such events is to continually implement SAFE, SMART WORKSITES."

    To learn more about Traffic & Access Solutions, please visit their website at www.trafficaccess.com.au. This collaboration between TMAA and TAS signifies our joint commitment to advancing safety and professionalism in the traffic management industry. We are excited to see the positive impact this partnership will have on our members and the industry as a whole.

    For more information about TAS's services - please contact Fabian Diaz at fabian.diaz@trafficaccess.com.au or Amanda White at amanda.white@jaybro.com.au.

  • 19 Mar 2024 11:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) has published a Media Release today announcing its newly elected National Board (formally known as the TMAA Management Committee), following its recent elections

    Read the Media Relase

  • 15 Mar 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Peter Woronzow, Director-General of the Department of Transport, and Commissioner of Main Roads WA (left), Matthew Bereni, TMAA CEO (right).

    The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is thrilled to announce that Main Roads Western Australia has joined as a new Associate Group member.

    "We're committed to supporting the TMAA and strengthening our partnership to champion the best practices in traffic management," said Peter Woronzow, Director-General of the Department of Transport, and Commissioner of Main Roads WA. “Being part of TMAA allows us to continuously share knowledge and shape the future of traffic management, all while prioritising the safety of everyone on the roads" said Mr Woronzow.

    TMAA CEO Matthew Bereni and incoming National Board Member for WA, Britt O’Dwyer echoed this sentiment, stating, "We're delighted to welcome Main Roads Western Australia to the team. As the government agency that plans, builds, maintains, and operates Western Australia's state road network, their extensive knowledge and experience is a significant asset as we work together to enhance road safety and traffic flow."

    The TMAA looks forward to a strong collaboration with Main Roads Western Australia in advocating for a safer and sustainable traffic management industry.

  • 8 Mar 2024 11:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear colleagues, 

    We have entered Stage 2 of TMAA Management Committee Election process. As requested by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), we are publishing today the Election Notice and Nomination Form for this election (E2023/9 - Stage 2) on our website.

    As per TMAA Rule 6.1 (a) (ii), "The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Management Committee shall be elected collegiately by and from the Members of the Management Committee."


  • 28 Feb 2024 4:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Temporary Traffic Management Industry:
    February 2024 updateA

    Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management

    January saw the adoption of the Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management (NTFTTM) in Tasmania.

    Our Approved Training Providers (ATPs) have courses available.


    Course Location  Start date  Book: 
    TC/TMI1 Combined Launceston 27 February book here
    TC/TMI1 Combined Hobart 5 March book here
    TC/TMI1 Combined Launceston 25 March book here
    TC/TMI1 Combined Hobart 16 April book here

    Please contact one of the ATPs to discuss opportunities for delivery locations across Tasmania.

    Information on these ATPs, their locations, available courses, and website links are available on the 
    Austroads website and linked through the Tasmanian Transport website.

    We anticipate being able to announce more ATPs shortly.

    Virtual training for NTFTTM

    Virtual delivery of the theory components of some courses have been approved in Tasmania.

    There are strict requirements for an ATP to be able to deliver the theory components of the NTFTTM through a virtual platform (such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams).

    Courses that can have the theory component of the course delivered virtually are listed below.
    Course  TTM Category 
    Traffic Controller 1 and 2
    Traffic Management Implementer 1 and 2
    Combined Traffic Controller and Traffic Management Implementer 1 and 2

    If an ATP is to undertake this type of facilitation, it must be included in the ATP application and Training and Assessment Strategy.

    If an existing ATP intends to include this in their delivery, they must notify the department, and include clear information on how they will facilitate this training. Information must include, but is not limited to:

    • which platform will be used
    • requirements for trainers/assessors
    • requirements for learners/students
    • any established procedures for delivering virtual training
    • contingency planning, such as what happens if the platform does not work/stops working.
    This information can be sent to ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

    Only the theory component of any nominated course may be delivered virtually. The following must be completed and assessed by the trainer/assessor in person.

    1. Formal assessment.
    2. Simulated environment training.
    Following this, the learner/student must obtain the required practical learning experience of the course and be successfully assessed by the trainer/assessor before achieving the full skill set.

    The RTO Framework Tasmania – Temporary Traffic Management Training has been updated and is available on the 
    Transport website.
    Data collection of the Tasmanian Traffic Management workforce 

    The Department of State Growth is initiating a data collection effort to better understand the status of the workforce. This information is beneficial for better informed decision-making as we adopt the National Training Framework for temporary traffic management.

    While participation in this data collection is entirely voluntary, we strongly encourage and appreciate your involvement.

    The more stakeholders that participate, the better informed we will be to make decisions that reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of the industry.

    The information you supply will be purely for data collection purposes. Personal or business information will not be shared publicly, it will be purely for numerical and data purposes.

    If you are happy to participate in this initiative, or have any questions or concerns, please contact 
    ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au and a spreadsheet will be sent to you to provide the data.
    Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads

    The Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads was updated and published in December 2023. 
    You can view a copy of the guide here

    The Tasmanian Guide holds information such as:

    • Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) in Tasmania
    • Austroads National TTM Training Requirements
    • Transition Arrangements to the Austroads TTM Training
    • Refresher Training following the Austroads TTM Training
    • training for non-practitioners in the Austroads TTM Training
    • Recognition of Prior Learning for the Austroads TTM Training
    • Approved Training Providers for the Austroads TTM Training
    • Truck Mounted Attenuators.
    First review of the implementation of the Austroads National Training Framework

    The Department of State Growth has committed to reviewing and hearing feedback regarding the implementation of the NTFTTM, by 1 April 2024 and quarterly after that. 

    State Roads will facilitate these reviews, and stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback.

    If you are interested in participating in this review, please contact 
    Occasional/Volunteer User Framework 

    In December 2023 Austroads hosted an online session to discuss feedback received for the draft framework for volunteer/occasional users of temporary traffic management.

    Following feedback from these sessions, Austroads is working on a reviewed framework and will be reaching out to consult with relevant groups again.

    If you did not attend the original forum (held on 8 December 2023) and are interested in being involved in these discussions, please email 
    ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au and you will be included in future discussions.
    Non practitioner training

    Non practitioner training guidelines have been developed for Tasmania. Please see the 
    Theory Only Course Information Guidelines for more information.

    If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the State Roads Work Health and Safety team at StateRoadsWHS@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

  • 28 Feb 2024 4:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Department of Transport and Planning
    Traffic Management Reform Program

    February 2024 Newsletter

    Welcome to the February edition of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) Traffic Management Reform (TMR) program newsletter. 
    The TMR program is transforming the traffic management industry by providing the extra support needed to promote safety on the road network and reduce unnecessary congestion and delays around worksites.
    This is our regular newsletter to keep the traffic management industry up-to-date on any progress and changes as part of the TMR program. Please share it with anyone you think should know about the program and upcoming changes. 

    Changes to activating and deactivating MoA permits from 4 March 2024 

    A reminder that DTP will require traffic management companies to activate and deactivate Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) permits via the Road Access Permits Portal (RAPP) from 4 March 2024.

    The Transport Operations Centre (TOC) will only action calls to activate and deactivate MoA permits with LUMS or TRIMs, or those that are Road Works and Events (RWE) MoA permits. 

    This change will support the TOC to better respond to emergencies and incidents on the road network and action more complex MoA permits. 

    The MoA activation feature can be accessed from the RAPP dashboard and includes an easy view of permits which are still activated. Training material is available on the VicRoads website, under ‘How to activate and deactivate an MoA permit (TM on/off)’. 

    Please continue calling the TOC if you are conducting any exempt works on the DTP managed road network, including exempt utility and emergency works.

    We are running an online session at 2pm on 21 February to support this change, including a live demonstration of how to activate and deactivate an MoA permits under each RAPP account type and setting aside time to troubleshoot any issues you may have, such as completing the registration process. 

    Please email the RAPP team on RAPP.support@roads.vic.gov.au to RSVP for the session by 11am on 21 February to receive the link to the session. 

    Accreditation renewal process begins July 2024

    The Temporary Traffic Management Accreditation program (Accreditation) renewal process will begin in July 2024 as Accreditation is valid for two years.

    While new forms and requirements are currently in development, the process will include:

    • reviewing traffic management company performance as part of the assessment process
    • requiring each traffic management company to attach current/updated versions of key documents to its renewal application, including ISO certification of Quality and OH&S Management Systems, and evidence of valid insurance.

    We will provide more details on process and timings once available. Each company will receive a reminder to renew their Accreditation status closer to their expiry date.

    In the meantime, all queries can be sent to TMAccreditation@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Complying to the new Code of Practice (CoP) and National Training Framework 

    Complying to the new CoP

    While the new CoP commenced on 1 December 2023, DTP will not be enforcing compliance to the new Traffic Management Design (TMD) elements until the new TMD training is readily available and workers have had the opportunity to receive formal training.
    MoA permit applications and supporting documents designed to comply to the previous CoP (such as the Traffic Guidance Scheme) will be accepted without penalty, until further notice. 
    Anyone who has already upskilled themselves in the new requirements can design in accordance with the new CoP. 
    Information and supporting documents on the new CoP are available on the VicRoads website. If you have any questions or need more information, email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Complying to the National Training Framework 

    The National Training Framework has now been adopted in Victoria to ensure workers are trained in the new standards and obligations. This creates consistency in content and teaching methods, and nationally recognised qualifications.

    The new Traffic Controller (TC) and Traffic Management Implementer (TMI) training are both now available. DTP has extended the mandatory uptake date of the new TC and TMI training until 1 March 2024. Previous TC and TMI training can continue to be delivered concurrently with the new training until 29 February 2024 and any training taken during this time will be recognised by DTP. A list of Approved Training Providers (ATPs) can be found on the Austroads website.  

    We will provide an update on when the new TMD training will be available as soon as the timings are confirmed. Until further notice, any previously completed TMD training will be recognised by DTP.

    Qualifications achieved through the previous TC, TMI and TMD courses will be recognised, either until they expire or two years from issue date, whichever is sooner.
    Information about the National Training Framework is available on the VicRoads website
    If you have any questions or need more information, email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.

    Road work exclusion zones – Wurundjeri Way/Dudley Street closure

    The road work exclusion zone around the West Gate Tunnel Project disruptions which started on 15 January 2024 will be in place until 4 March 2024

    The exclusion zone is designed to minimise congestion on key arterials and to maintain the resilience of the network for vehicles, freight and public transport.

    MoA and Working Within the Road Reserve (WWRR) permits will not be authorised within the exclusion zone during these times. Exemptions may be possible on a case-by-case basis. 

    For more information, including a map of the exclusion zone and a list of affected arterials, please visit the VicRoads website

    Celebrating diversity and inclusion in traffic management

    A key priority of the TMR program is to partner with industry to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion in traffic management. We’re seeking your help to celebrate and highlight stories, achievements and benefits of diversity and inclusion in the traffic management industry, particularly through innovation and excellence.

    While there are many diversity groups in the Australian community and across the traffic management industry to celebrate, there are five groups of focus for this campaign: 
    1. Women 
    2. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians 
    3. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people 
    4. People with a disability 
    5. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people 
    If you have any stories, achievements or benefits around innovation and excellence to share, please contact us on tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au

    Through the TMR program, DTP is delighted to recognise outstanding service and contribution from Indigenous traffic controllers across Australia through its sponsorship of the Indigenous Traffic Controller of the Year Award at the Traffic Management Association Australia (TMAA) Excellence Awards being held in March 2024.

    Key TMR program dates 

    21 February 

    • RAPP MoA permit activation and deactivation live demonstration.

    29 February 

    • Previous TC and TMI training can continue to be delivered concurrently with the new training and will be recognised by DTP until 29 February 2024. It will not be recognised after this date.

    From 1 March 2024 

    • New TC and TMI training courses become mandatory. Training taken under the previous courses after this date will no longer be recognised by DTP. 

    From 4 March 2024 

    • MoA permit activation and deactivation to be performed via the RAPP. TOC will only action calls to activate and deactivate MoA permits with LUMS or TRIMs, those that are RWE MoA permits, or exempted utility and emergency works. 

    First half of 2024 

    • More details about the Volunteer and Occasional Road Workers and TMD training will be released.
    • Further information about new Surveillance Framework and end-to-end enforcement processes will be released. 
    • Further engagement with local councils on aligning permit process and creating consistency for industry. 

    30 June 2024 

    • TMR program completed. 

    Get in touch 

    Please email us at tmr.support@transport.vic.gov.au if you have any questions or need further information on the TMR program.

    Victoria State Government - Department of Transport and Planning

  • 28 Feb 2024 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Introduction of Web Map for Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 Roads

     Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Categories 

    Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management: Part 8, Section 2 details a temporary traffic management categorisation system for applying temporary traffic management practices.
    These categories determine several requirements under the guide, including temporary traffic management design practices and training.

    The Department of State Growth has worked with Tasmanian Councils to collect road category information for local government roads. This information has been collated for industry use.

    Most roads on the Tasmanian road network fall under the TTM Category 1 criteria.

    There are no roads classified as Temporary Traffic Management Category 3 in Tasmania at present. This is subject to change.

    The development of traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes should be subject to a risk assessment, relevant to the conditions of the site, and any clarification can be sought from the department or the relevant local government area.
    Web Map

    Our current TTM Category 2 roads have been digitised into a web map.

    Specific information relating to TTM Category 2 State and Local can be found simply by clicking on the road. This information includes:
    • road name
    • road authority
    • site description (such as the length of the TTM Category 2 portion of the road)
    • region
    • length.
    External and internal data can also be added to the map.

    You can access the web map via the 
    Transport website. If you have any questions about the use of the map, or TTM Categories, please contact ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

    If you have any questions or queries, please email ttm.tasmania@stategrowth.tas.gov.au

    This publication has been produced by the Department of State Growth.
    You are directed to a 
    disclaimer and copyright notice governing the information provided, and a personal information protection statement.  
    Our mailing address is:
    State Roads Work Health and Safety
    Department of State Growth
    GPO Box 536
    Hobart, Tas 7001

  • 28 Feb 2024 4:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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    Department of Transport and Planning
    Traffic Management Reform Program

    Clarification: Changes to traffic management training from 1 March 2024

    As we indicated in our last newsletter, the National Training Framework is being adopted in Victoria to ensure workers are trained in the new standards and obligations. This starts on Friday (1 March 2024) with the new Traffic Controller (TC) and Traffic Management Implementer (TMI) training becoming mandatory.

    However we want to clarify that until further notice, the new training only applies to traffic management companies and workers. A separate training package is being developed to suit other types of industries carrying out short term low impact works on the road network, including the utilities sector, surveying industry and event workers. We will provide more information about this training package as soon as the details are confirmed.

    In the meantime, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can continue delivering the following training to workers outside of the traffic management industry to ensure safety on the road network until the new training package is available:

    - RIIWHS205: Control traffic with stop-slow bat

    - RIIWHS302: Implement traffic management plans

    Please note: Any traffic management workers taking the previous TC and TMI training from 1 March onwards will not have their qualifications recognised by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and will not meet the requirements of the Accreditation program.

    We would also like to remind the traffic management industry that DTP will not be enforcing compliance to the new Traffic Management Design (TMD) elements of the new Code of Practice until the new TMD training is readily available and workers have had the opportunity to receive formal training. As we build the number of TMD trainers across Victoria, qualifications completed under the previous TMD training will continue to be recognised by DTP until further notice.

    More information about the National Training Framework is available on the VicRoads website

    If you have any questions or need more details, email ATPapplications@roads.vic.gov.au.

  • 28 Feb 2024 4:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Improvements to the State Road Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme

    We’re continuing to progress the implementation of improvements to pay and conditions for traffic management personnel working on State Roads.

    Maimimum Pay Scale Consultation

    As mentioned in Newsletter #2, industry has proposed the introduction of a graduated pay scale to minimum pay rates for traffic management work on the State Road network.

    The proposal was developed by several representatives from traffic management companies including the  Traffic Management Association of Australia and the Australian Flexible Pavement Association.

    Main Roads is now consulting with unions and other stakeholders on this proposal.  If implemented, this may result in minor adjustments to the previously announced minimum pay rates.

    The purpose of the consultation is to explore whether  a suitable system can be established that recognises formal accreditations and service in the industry while still providing for progression through pay levels.

    Based on stakeholder feedback, Main Roads expects to be able to finalise a recommendation for pay scales that link minimum pay rates and the requisite qualifications for workers in this important industry.

    Main Roads’ State-wide Traffic Management Panel Contract

    Improvements to pay and conditions for traffic management workers engaged under Main Roads’ State-wide Traffic Management Panel Contract commenced on 1 February 2024. Panel members were able to provide new pricing of their traffic management services related to the improvements to their employees pay and conditions.  Almost all panel members have taken up this opportunity.

    In consideration of the ongoing consultation with stakeholders under the Scheme , Main Roads has implemented interim minimum pay scales for this contract.

    The interim arrangement provides:

    1. for a worker who has a Traffic Controller and/or Basic Worksite Traffic Management accreditation, the greater of the current Award (Building and Construction General Onsite Award 2020, as amended (including annual wage reviews) or replaced) CW 2 Rate or $28.54 per hour;
    2. for a worker who has a Worksite Traffic Management and/or Operate Truck Mounted Attenuator accreditation, $35.67 per hour; or
    3. for a worker who has an Advanced Worksite Traffic Management accreditation and/or has a Roadworks Traffic Manager accreditation, $37.15 per hour.

    The above minimum pay rates exclude industry allowances, casual loading, overtime, superannuation and similar.

    The above minimum rates apply to this contract only and do not replace or otherwise alter the contractual provisions in other Main Roads contracts or requirements of the State Road Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme.

    Pay Structures Between Client, Traffic Management Company and Workers

    Main Roads acknowledges that clients (including Main Roads) are often not the direct employers of traffic management workers. Given the requirements of traffic management work, it will often be the case that the pay structure between the client and the traffic management company, and the employer and the worker, will not align.

    The reasons for the difference may include:

    1. differing periods of time paid for (e.g. work undertaken on site versus activities completed by workers at the employer’s premises, prior to arrival at site or after leaving site);
    2. differing timeframes where overtime rates (or similar) may be applicable; and
    3. differing pay scales noting that a worker may have a higher qualification however due to the nature of the site and the traffic management being implemented, this qualification is not required by the client and/or the Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice.

    In relation to items 1. and 2., Main Roads does not intend prescribing any specific requirements as part of the State Road Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme (other than compliance with the Award and any applicable laws).  However, in relation to item 3., Main Roads is considering the implications of this with stakeholders.

    Main Roads notes that the current wording of the Scheme requires employers to pay minimum rates to workers based on what service is required (not based on the qualification the worker has). For example, a worker may have an Operate Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) accreditation, but as there is no TMA being utilised, they are carrying out general traffic management activities that only require a Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) accreditation. Accordingly, from 1 July 2024, the Scheme requires that workers may be paid the BWTM rate (or higher) for the relevant work. 

    From 1 February 2024, the interim arrangements on the State-wide Traffic Management Panel Contract result in the employer being required to pay a worker based on the qualification that they actually have (not what service may be required by Main Roads or the Code).  This may not always result in the payment Main Roads makes to the traffic management company for a service being in the same category as the payment the traffic management company actually makes to the worker. 

    Main Roads welcomes feedback in relation to item 3. and will consider comments from stakeholders prior to the implementation of any graduated pay scale.

    Renewal and Re-Registration Process

    Main Roads is exploring a new application process that can be accessed online. The online portal will be a quick and seamless way to upload your information so that our team can process applications in a timely manner. Further updates will be provided in future Newsletters.


    As a quick reminder - a comprehensive FAQs document is available to answer any questions about the State Road Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme.

    These FAQs are continuing to be updated based on new information and any questions raised by industry.

    Next Steps

    Aside from checking the FAQs, please feel free to email any questions you may have to TMCreg@mainroads.wa.gov.au and the team will answer you. In addition, if we receive enough questions on the same topic, we will feature information about it in the next Newsletter.

    Consultation with industry and unions is continuing. We will also continue to update stakeholders on developments.

    Further information

    For further information please visit www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/technical-commercial/work-on-roads.

Contact details

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